Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Round Two

So here I go, Spain: Round Two. After a summer full of all things Boise I am back in Spain and it almost feels like I never left. I flew out of Boise on Saturday, then to Minneapolis, on to Amsterdam (where they sell cheese wheels, giant bags of chocolate and tulip bulbs in the airport) and finally to Madrid. I was very lucky in Madrid, Esther was already at the airport picking up their new Au Pair who arrived an hour before me, so I got a lift into San Lorenzo de El Escorial. The town is exactly as I remember it, and after an evening spent at Esther's house I stand by my decision to go for the summer. I have been staying at Susana's house for the past couple of days and couldn't be more happy. This family is fabulous, they go out of their way to make me feel welcome in their home even though I am only passing through. Monday was spent in Segovia blackberry picking. The scenery was beautiful, the company was ideal and the berries were delicious. Jara and Ana grew so much over the summer, as did Susana who is expecting their third child in November. I am convinced that it would be hard to come by a welcoming family in all of Spain.

This morning Felipe took me to the train station and helped me get my train tickets to Santiago de Compostela, and tonight after they feed me dinner they are taking me to the station. I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know this family and look forward to returning to visit and meet the new baby. This afternoon I am meeting with Dario to catch up for a bit before I leave. I am anxious to get to Santiago de Compostela and see my new home. I do not have a place to live but hope to have an apartment by next week, then I can simply settle in and explore the city before work starts. I would love to update everyone on my job, but I have no new details. Typical.

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