Welcome to Santiago de Compostela! Where did you start the camino? Santiago de Compostela, from here on out to be referred to as SC, is a city constructed around the cathedral that was in turn constructed to house the remains of Saint James, one of the apostle's of Jesus. I arrived here on Wednesday morning after taking the night train out of El Escorial and checked into my hostel. From that point on I began looking at apartments. Apartment hunting in Spain is without a doubt the oddest experience ever. Every place I checked offered to let me stay the night to test drive it, or asked if I wanted to move in that night. I only met one landlord. After visiting about 10 apartments I picked one. I moved in last night, Saturday night, and spent the night and this morning cleaning. I will be living with two people, maybe both guys, maybe one guy and one girl. I am not sure as I met with so many people that I can't remember which apartment said which. I do know that one of my roommates is new here too, he just showed up, and the other will be here tomorrow or maybe tonight (this is a college city and most of the students go home to their families for the weekends). The lack of knowledge that I have about my new apartment is equal to the lack of information I have about my new job. It's exhausting to not really know anything about my next year here, but it's also pretty typical for Spain to so laid back. Needless to say it will take me a little bit of time to readjust to having no really solid set of directions.
Entry way
Living Room, complete with Rock Band, hey 2007...
My room is on the left, it's too messy for a picture right now, the stores are closed so I don't have hangers, just a mess.
Clothes lines in between the buildings, lots of failed hangings. This is my lovely view, it will be yours too if you come to visit.
Bathroom and in typical European fashion, a bidet is including for my hygienic convenience.
View from the living room, this is a 'busy' street, but there are tress lining it so you can't really see it.
Overall I am pleased with my living situation, but it has only been a day and have said hi to one roommate. On the plus side I am on a month to month lease so if things are not ideal I have the option to leave at any time. If you want to see the area or send a postcard (which I love) my address is:
Avenida de Lugo No 265, 2i
Santiago de Compostela, La Coruna 15703
Tomorrow I have t go back to the police station for part two of getting my NIE, my national identification number that will allow me to stay for a year in Spain. The city is absolutely beautiful and I look forward to getting to know it better over the next couple of weeks before work starts.
P.S. My room is large and I have an extra mattress. I expect visitors year round.
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