Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lluta and lots of luck

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Martina at cheer and dressed as Ana from Frozen (obviously). I'm keeping her, she really wants to meet Tonka and Kassi and build a snowman.

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Where I run

This past week was, once again, a short week here in Chile. As Labor Day fell on a Thursday, Wednesday was a half day leading into the long weekend. My school, as did all the others, had something for the teachers after school got out on Wednesday. Some schools had BBQs, mine had an empanada. Way better. Empanadas are delicious, flakey pastry dough stuffed with all things good, and fried. For the win. Over the weekend, my family went back to Lluta to bring the cross down the hill. During the weeks leading up to the celebration the cross stays in our house, set up as a sort of altar, this year in memory of Yaya's grandparents. In Lluta we hiked the hill, painted the stand, changed the cloths on the crosses and lowered the crosses down. For the two days in Lluta the crosses were set up there, and the family members prayed and blessed it (back in Arica there was a special mass on Saturday that they brought the cross to to bless it). Once the crosses were brought down, there was a BBQ and an endless supply of beer, whiskey and drunken ''I love you this much'' speaks from the Chileans to their new adopted family, the gringos. The following morning, Boris decided to put up a ceiling. Because the best way to cure a hangover is heavy labor and loud noises. Being a girl (keep in mind Chile is very gender role centered), I didn't get to help, bummer. Instead I watched as Boris and Yayo made the complicated plans, incorrectly measured the already crooked house, and handed the boards and tools up to poor Vladimir. Who was paid in beer and slaps on the back. Trooper. After the ceiling we went to the river to cool off, Yayo 'baptized' us. That's what he is calling his splash attack, and then we packed up and headed back to Arica. Saturday was a beach day, and Sunday Matias's birthday party. His birthday was cinco de mayo, and he loves that it is a Mexican holiday as they spent summer vacation in Cancun, he is ten. He knows everything now. This week, as well as the following, is a full one, with all the classes, clubs, debates and dialogue competitions. Rumor has it we are going back to Lluta this weekend, to put up another ceiling, as the following is the family's cross day. I cannot believe how quickly everything is happening here, but feel so lucky everyday to have the opportunity to be apart of this amazing experience and with such an amazing family.

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Painting the base, and the altar in Lluta

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BBQ and view from the house in Lluta

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River of Lluta

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Yayo so happy to go for a swim, in cut-offs

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Yayo asked Vladimir and I to pose with them, and then attacked

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Four people, two crosses, three seats. Long car ride.

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Camila's 'Chinese hamsters' and my sad cinco de mayo celebration

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The way things are fixed here. Salt lid and rope to keep the TV on. Imagine what the ceiling looks like...

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