Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Parties and a Bit of Culture

 The past couple of weeks have been super busy and super fun. We celebrated Angel's birthday, I finished at work, we have begun to say goodbye and Toxo has gone to a new home. For Angel's birthday I made double bacon, double cheeseburgers. Seriously. Him and Francesca have wanted real American burgers all year, and I thought what is more American than double double? The following day we had a surprise party in the park for him, and were surprised to learn it was also the annual Star Wars Galicia Parade. Hundreds of people paraded through the park and to the main square dressed as Star Wars characters. Because they could.

My "Meat is so gross to touch" face. 

Francesca, Angel and Adam.

Angel's surprise. 
 Freshly painted "Dos Marias"

Capoeira (Brazilian material art) in the Alameda

 Star Wars Galicia

 My last week of work was wonderful. The students were so sweet and gave me so many sweets, cards, flowers, balloons and gifts. The youngest students threw a surprise party, the next level surprised me with sweets, flowers and cards and the older levels bought my a bracelet with the town name and school year engraved. My private lessons also gave me gifts and so many hugs. It was an incredible feeling to finish my first year working in a school. Any doubts that I ever may have had about selecting education as my career is gone. Even the difficult moments don't seem so difficult, and I wouldn't change any of it for anything. I am looking forward to many more years of teaching.

 Some of the gifts from students

This past weekend I went with Becca to the Cidade da Cultura to see an exhibition about lost tribes of the Amazon. It was our first time going to the Cidade da Cultura, an impressive conglomerate of buildings with museums, libraries, archives, etc. on the hill looking over the city.

Cidade da Cultura

This slope is much steeper than it looks.

Some culture is just awkward...this had nothing to do with the Amazon


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