Sunday, December 2, 2012

Two Weeks in Two Minutes (for Kim)

Happy December! It has been two weeks (plus some) since I last updated my blog, and I am sorry for the delay. I haven't done much worth writing about, and that is why I will make this entry short and promise to update in a week with something a little more interesting.
Last week Andrea moved to London to work as an Au Pair and so that means I now have a new roommate. The day she left we found someone to take her room. Francesca is from Italy and doing Erasmus, just like Pedro is from Portugal. She is fantastic and we get along great with her. Toxo is especially fond of our newest roomie.
My job is still absolutely fantastic. I have so much fun teaching and planning and everything that is involved in educating. This week I had one student profess his love (14 years old) and another asked if I wanted to marry him (16 years old). So that's great.
Francesca, Angel and I went to the bar across the street the other night, Brooklyn Bar, because it was country night. Nothing has made me so happy since I got here as this bar. 1-Spanish look like dorks dressed like cowboys 2-Ring of Fire is a great song and 3-the Confederate flag was in the same bar as a USSR flag, and I am the only one who found it amusing. Needless to say, they haven't quite got the American theme pegged.
I am getting really antsy for Christmas break, not having a Thanksgiving break makes the semester go by slowly, but now it's December and break is almost here. The Spring Semester has a lot of breaks and will fly by I'm certain.
So that's it, the highlights of the past two weeks in two minutes. You're welcome Kimberly.

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