Saturday, December 29, 2012

More Time With Kim!

Kim and İ just finished our week and a half together, and she continued to thrive the whole time she was here. For Christmas Eve and Christmas day we spent time in Santiago exploring and immersing her a bit more in the Spanish culture, she's quite the trooper. On Christmas Eve İ introduced Kim to what appears to be her new favorite food, hot chocolate and churros (a trip that turned into two more trips to the same place). On Christmas day we went to the cathedral to see the botafumeıro, the incense burner, and a Catholıc service, in Galician and Spanish, an amazing experience. Also a very long experience.


My Christmas gift

Kim and İ gave each other scarves, of our favorite colors on the other person, that together were Christmas colors, a sign that we've been friends for a long time ;)

İ was able to chat with my family on Christmas, in extra high quality thanks to my new gift. İt was hard to not be hard for my first Christmas, but it helped to have Kim with me, I really am lucky to have such great frıends. On Christmas evenıng we went for a walk on part of the Camıno de Santıago, something that is a must for any person just visiting the city.

Kim by the mystery house

Camino de Santiago

Kim got this awesome shot of the sunset at the end of our walk

The day after Christmas, we went to Pontevedra (a small town just south of Santiago de Compostela), and spent the day wanderıng through the town and drinking cafe con leche ın the plaza. 

Kim's first cafe con leche, it even came with churros for her

Igrexa da Peregrına

Roman brıdge ın Pontevedra

Kim testing her luck....(it's bad luck to stand on your soccer ball)

Boa what? (Boa means good ın Galician)

Cathedral ın Pontevedra

Kim's last full day was spent getting chocolate and churros, gifts for my family and wandering the streets of Santiago. İ had so much fun with her, and she definitely got more of an immersion in the culture than most tourists could ever hope to get. 

My hot chocolate (Kim's shots of chocolate are in the background with our churros)

We parted ways yesterday, after a hectic (my fault) time in the Madrid airport  she headed back to the States (but the poor girl got rerouted, delayed and got home much, much later than was anticipated). İ, however, am now in Turkey (hence all the funny lookıng İ's and typos ın thıs update, can't be helped). İ wıll wrıte more about ıt after my trıp, but here ıs a small prevıew...

Blue Mosque (across from my hostel)

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