This past week the debates finally took place (the date had been changes multiple times due to the earthquake). The event was held Thursday and Friday in the
Hotel del Valle in the outskirts of town (far from the tsunami zone, there is still so much fear here related to the earthquake, though it had been twenty plus years since the previous one). Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I met with the students during every possible break and after school, everyone was feeling confident, until Wednesday evening our 'star' got sick. She is fluent. And had participated before, and was going to the one to present the improvised speech at the end. Worth the most points. So we changed our goal from moving on to round two, to having fun. The students got so nervous, and two got extra nervous as they were given speeches Thursday morning to just read. No improve. Another had a panic attack, both days, one before we left on Thursday, but we got picked to present the opposition, so she didn't have to go. The second came after she finished her speech on Friday. The lack of our fourth speaker for days made the students very uneasy and nervous, but in the end they pulled it together and we got sixth (out of ten), which was the final qualifying spot to advance to the next round. They are so happy and I am so proud of them. Compared to the other schools, which presented with full teams and had been practicing for a month, our partial team that practiced for a few days kicked ass. Marisol and I took them out for pizza and ice cream to celebrate, where they felt like champions, even though Santa Maria school was there, Vladimir's school who we debated against that got second, nothing dampened their spirits. We all know (Selene, Vladimir, teachers and students alike) that none of our schools will advance to round three. Arica College always moves to the Zonal Finals, because their school has a debate crew. People write the speeches for the students, who memorize a month ahead, then work tirelessly with the English Deparment and Theater Deparment to prepare their debates. Not exactly what the competition is about, but since everyone's students enjoy it regardless, there is no reason to fuss. I am so proud of my team, on average also the youngest team to present, and am looking forward to working with them over this next month. The second round is at the end of June. Very little time to prepare but, knock on wood, more things couldn't be thrown our way this time around. I hoping to not come in last, they want to beat Vladimir's school. Probably not going to happen.

Day one, the partial team, Juan Jo, Vicente, Alonso, Maria Paz, Javiera
English Opens Doors propoganda placement
Waiting to debate
¨Presenting the debates, day one
Swimsuit model photo session timed perfectly with a high school debate break...distracting?
This weekend was spent relaxing after a week filled with debates and general stressors. We all went out to celebrate Friday evening, laugh at some of the funniest moments (one girl whose school did not porgress did a lot of hair flipping and podium assualting), discuss our schools and families and be glad that for two days, we were going to have a break from it all. Saturday was a beach day and Sunday Irlandra took us all to another beach further from the city. We prepared lunch, and then went to Playa Corazones, about six miles from downtown, where we hiked to caves, took a thousand photos, Irlandra loves taking photos, and then went to another beach to buy empanadas and to enjoy them on yet another beach. It was an incredible day, and the break I needed from my hectic house as well.
Arches and white rocks (they look pretty, but don't be fooled, they are white from bird poop)
One of the caves
Sea lion 'mummy' and seagulls (which were once dying out in Arica and are now a protected species that people adore...far from the way we view seagulls)
Inside a cave, it was so dark people couldn't see us until the flash went off (Irlandra was pointing this out to passerbys)
Sunset shots
Arica is the XV region of Chile (the last aquired, hence the high number, but northermost spot) and name of the beach